
Showing posts from June, 2020

Body shaming, my story and how I'm coping with it

    Body Shaming is an act of abusing yourself or someone else, mentally or physically based on physical appearances.                  Roots of Body shaming go deep down to one's childhood, it's sowed in our minds by the society at a very early age, we have been trained to think that there's a certain way that one has to look and which is tagged as perfect. It all starts from small comparisons in the family, humiliation within a group of friends or classmates, relatives calling you out for your eating habits to photoshopped public figures in magazines and media, these are some of the ways body shaming is cultivated.  Girls are taught to be stick figured, fair skinned and soft spoken which apparently is the only way you're considered dainty and elegant whereas boys are taught to be bulky, muscular, tall, bearded, angry and adamant or else they are not "masculine" enough.   Body shaming widely ranges from feeling bad/making one feel bad about human characteristi